Hervey Bay Triathlon Club

Bike maintenance session 2
Come check out the new Club shed at the Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre and spend some time on your most valuable asset.... Your Bike. Its cleaning and inspection time!
Thursday 24th May 6.00pm.
Bike maintanance from one of the best in the business, John Oxenham "The Bike Whisperer".

Junior Coaching
Our Vice President, Brian Harrington, also runs junior coaching. He is also the current Queensland Schools Triathlon Coach. For most juniors, Brian likes coaching to start at 12 years old - the club believes children younger than 12 should just have fun being kids. Our Club still has short races for Under 10 and Under 12, but training is not necessary (although prior swimming lessons are essential). Some of his sessions are below:
Tuesday mornings has a bike/run and transition focus.
Location: Airport Industrial Estate (Southern Cross Circuit) 5:15am -
Tuesday afternoon running session.
Location: All Abilities Park, The Esplanade, Pialba 4:45pm -
Thursday afternoon has a general fitness and running focus.
Location: Urangan State High School 4:15pm -
There is no swimming training run by the club. Instead, members attend one of the Swim Squads run by the Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre, Boundary Road.
For further information you can contact Brian ("Harro") at bharr119@eq.edu.au​

Senior Coaching
The club currently has no regular senior coaching, although specific coaching programs are run from time to time. Keep watching the Club Facebook Page

Club training mostly occurs in groups that have been organised by friends deciding to get together. However, there are some well-established groups:
Monday Swim Squad
Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre 5.30 and 6.30AM
4pm (seniors often on hand)
Maryborough Aquatic Centre 5.30AM
Tuesday Morning Ride
Hervey Bay 5am from Enzos. Usually about 50km. Pace about 28 to 32kph on the flat with a few efforts here and there. We turn around and regroup afterwards, so you won't get left behind. There is a Facebook Message Group for the ride to keep up with plans. Contact the Club if you want to be added to the group.
Maryborough 5am @ Tinana Hall. (check Maryborough Multisports page on Facebook)
Run at Toogoom trails at 5am, anywhere from 10 - 20km.
Maryborough Multisports group group run 5am
Swim squad Maryborough Aquatic Centre 5.30pm
Hervey Bay (meet at Enzos) group ride 5am (easy pace)
HBTC Club shed Windtrainer session 6-7pm
Funky Friday Splashers currently 6am at Hervey Bay Sailing Club/ Torquay pier
HB Aquatic centre swim squad 5.30am and 6.30am
MB Aquatic Centre 5.30pm
Saturday Ride
This is generally a social/recovery ride, about 50km. Lately there have been groups at two different ability levels riding different routes. Departing Wet Side Water Park at 6:00am in Winter months (school terms 2 and 3) and 5:30am in Summer months.
Saturday Park Run
Many of our members choose to join the Park Run (The Pier, Urangan) on Saturday mornings 7:00am and often stay for coffee at Migaloo's Cafe. -
Funky Friday Splashers
This combined group of triathletes and swim club members meet at the Hervey Bay Sailing Club at roughly 6:00am (depending on the time of year) for a 2km ocean swim (1km to Ann Street, rest and a chat, 1km back). Coffee follows at Bayaroma Cafe if you have time. See the group Facebook Page for times, chat and news. -
Saturday Sippers
Just like the Funky Friday Splashers, but it starts at the Surf Club at 3:30pm Saturday for 1.5km followed by drinks and chat on the deck - an awesome place to view the sunset!