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"It's Not Rocket Science" - Introducing Steve's Take on Triathlon Training

Get yourself tired and then give yourself a rest. And repeat. There’s a little more to it but that’s the guts of it. It’s not rocket science.

Jeff from the HBTC has asked me to share my thoughts on training for triathlon to club members so over the next few weeks I will be throwing a few thoughts and links down on paper and see if it rings a bell with anyone. Some will be science and probably true, and some will be my thoughts and well open to discussion. Hopefully it does spark a discussion or two and we can all learn from each other and questions will always be welcome and hopefully answered.

The plan is to step through a topic once every week or two, and by the end of it more club members will hopefully feel more confident in developing their own training programs or even just think a bit more about what they are doing when they head out the door for the next training session.

Some of things we might talk about

  • Energy systems

  • Training Zones and how to find them. Heart rate vs perceived effort vs power

  • Structuring a training plan to suit your goals

  • Maintenance and recovery

  • Race fueling

If there is anything else anyone wants to cover let me know. I’m not claiming to be an expert but I just have an opinion on a lot of stuff related to triathlon.

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